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reniimodisette • September 23, 2022

As the September blog series comes to close, I thought it be good to end with a post about energy and blockages as it is adjacent to walking into VALUE season. Last week, I wrote a letter about manifesting abundance. Meanwhile I’d be remiss if I did not discuss that manifesting and energy is challenging to do if you have blockages.

What is a blockage?

According to Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of a blockage is an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.

For the context of this post, the definition of a blockage is exactly that! Furthermore, the root cause of the blockage is self. Is the blockage protection? If so, why? Is the intent to keep the blockage snug like a comfortable blanket? Only you can answer that; however, for me, no it should not be a source of comfort.

With this in mind, I gradually began to understand that my blockages hindered me. In fact, there were times when I revisited the root cause of the blockage and thought of what I could have said. Spinning in thought, in response, and negative self-talk. For all that, the constant rumination resulted in self-soothing behaviors like snarky snacking. A blockage does not help propel me forward. On the contrary, I felt stuck and could not get past a certain point.

For example, when I began my self-forgiveness practice, it was challenging to acknowledge hurtful conversations about my facial features, my natural hair, or weight. At the time, I’d already internalized the sentiments because I did not love myself. Consequently, I believed that I could not have or do something because I was a thick woman with kinky hair and full lips. In truth, I’d convinced myself that once I made it to a certain weight on the scale then I could take a certain group fitness class, approach someone or be approachable, be seen, and taken seriously.

Moreover, I obsessed about the number of pounds I needed to lose. I concede that nothing was every good enough because I had not dealt with the real issue. My mindset. First and foremost, I had to do the shadow work, in my life, to begin to manifest good energy. I had to sit in the uncomfortable to ascend to ease. Indeed, it is not easy. Frankly, it is hard, but required.

I was not surprised that I’d internalized so much! Instead, I was I surprised at how difficult it was for me to face it. Regardless, I did it. More importantly, I still have work to do, but the takeaway is I started. For these reasons, start with identifying blockages.

  • Think about what the blockages are then write it down
  • Seek help. It does not have to be a solo process
  • Love yourself through the process
  • Cry or scream. Allow for the opportunity to feel

Take the leap. Find freedom. Hug Acceptance. Release the blockage.

Just like my support system rooted for me, I am rooting for you!

Releasing blockage is not always easy. However, working together through the GLADness Program will help you adapt strategies to take the leap, find freedom, and hug acceptance. Book a free consultation today.

By Renii Modisette December 27, 2024
We begin to say goodbye to 2024 with cooler temperatures and yuletide attitudes as December ends. One thing is sure: self-regulation starts with the Self despite all else. In the last blog for 2024, I explore the sixth and final virtue, Courage, as well as three character strengths: Honesty, Bravery, and Perseverance, with the pendulum swinging both ways as a reminder we can make it through the first starting with Self. A great conclusion to the MTO Lean-in Series, which focuses on character strengths and virtues from the VIA Institute. I had initially planned to finish this series in October, but I found myself overwhelmed with school and work. I had convinced myself that I could push through despite feeling fatigued. However, I realized that the virtue of Courage also encompasses the character strength of Honesty. It was time for me to be honest with myself, which meant reevaluating the narrative I had created in my head. So, I took a break and reframed my internal dialogue to accept my revised story to remind myself that the pendulum swings both ways, so I must put myself first and focus on myself to overcome a self-imposed narrative that pushing through is the best way. I challenge you, amidst this season of giving and gratitude, to be honest with yourSELF—it's a personal journey. Is being honest with yourself a sign of bravery? Depending on who you ask, you might get different answers. In my opinion, yes, we are often harder on ourSELVES than anyone else is. Bravery is usually defined as resilience, facing fears, and not shrinking in the face of a threat or challenge. So, why can't SELF be a challenge? To help you navigate this solitary journey of self-awareness, consider the following statement:  "I AM in charge of how I react to others. I choose to respond in a positive way."
By Renii Modisette October 13, 2024
Hello October! Q4 is in full swing, with MTO KPIs still at the forefront. It feels like I was saying "Happy New Year" just yesterday. Towards the end of June, I began the MTO Lean-in Series, which focuses on character strengths and virtues from the VIA Institute. I learned about the character strengths and virtues while completing my Positive Psychology Practitioner studies and found them intriguing, especially in relation to enhancing my mindfulness practice. So far, I've covered Temperance, Transcendence, Humanity, and Justice. This month, I'll be discussing the fifth virtue, Wisdom, as well as three character strengths: Judgment, Curiosity, and Perspective. I'll then conclude the series with the sixth virtue in the November blog post. For more information on VIA's character strengths, please visit the VIA Institute website at WISDOM Let’s begin with I've coined the Wisdom Tightrope when discussing the virtue of Wisdom because it involves a balancing act depending on the situation. The first character strength, Judgment, is rooted in critical thinking to counteract faulty thinking and biased opinions. When overused, Judgment can lead to narrow-mindedness, and when underused, one isn't reflective enough. Ironically, it is often frowned upon to judge ourselves and others, yet our analytical mind somehow gets in the way, which allows us to debate whether something that is frowned upon should be up for discussion.
By Renii Modisette September 2, 2024
This month's blog post features Part III of the MTO Lean in Series. In this edition, we discuss the virtue of Justice and two-character strengths. To learn more about VIA character strengths, please visit the VIA Institute.
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