The truth is stress is inevitable, but if one isn’t managing their stress, it will affect how one shows up daily and eventually an individual’s physical body. I don’t mean show-up as in I’ve arrived because I am obligated to, or I need this paycheck, so here I am. I mean, show up authentically despite frustration, irritation, or ambivalence. When I am afflicted with more than the normal stressors, my mind constantly analyzes the situation, but I immediately turn to three (3) solutions to help manage stress:
1. It is okay to feel emotions.
Be engaged in what is happening at the moment, whether pleasant or not. Disengaging does not alleviate the burden but instead gives it legs to hold space in the mind. Holding space to contemplate could have, would have, or should have. Those contemplations are meaningless but may result in prompting a reaction—a harsh response that is not so pleasant for you or the person on the receiving end.
2. Take a breath.
Engage your mind with breathing as your focal point. Take an opportunity to send the breath to the areas of your body that are heightened to begin to deactivate fight or flight yet stimulate the body to find your calm amid chaos.
3. Refuel your body and brain.
Consider what you really need. Is it a healthier food option or a play food option? A sip of water, then a one-minute visualization meditation. Refueling may involve all these options, but taking the time to do it is essential. It is vital to allow the opportunity to control your response or your reaction. It removes the daggers from your tongue to replace it with kindness. A kindness extended to yourself, as well as others. This chain reaction is empathy, which we all deserve.
I remember using a stressful situation to unleash my irritation about many things, plus the current situation. Most often, the snarky mood was directed toward someone close to me simply because they were there, in proximity. It does not make it right, but the reality is it happened. Over the years, I’ve learned that it is nobody’s fault that I’m stressed or that they are stressed. Instead, it is the reality of being human. It is the reality of existing in a fast-paced world with responsibilities and a to-do list. I’ve since changed my To-Do List to my Desire List. From there, I set small goals for the hour and the day. More importantly, I give myself grace because, God willing, I can resume the next day.
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