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reniimodisette • December 15, 2022

As I write my last blog post in 2022, I can’t help but think about how I came into the year. I walked into this year nudged with a desire to free myself of limiting beliefs, myths that I’d concocted of how far I could go, mentally fervent in the mindset of standard definition. Initially igniting the practice of self-forgiveness while being adamantly reminded that God doesn’t want me to mistake baggage for blessings. Moving directly ahead to stand in self-acceptance and unleash the unapologetic me. Growing in this year to walk into the next with faith bigger than me.

This year I realized that reminiscing about childhood friendships, my great escape through reading, brought me joy. In addition to unequivocal gratitude for the support that came in many forms and the foundation, I carry with me established by Big Mama. There is no denying that my small steps were encouraged by Kaleb’s heart, which filled my cup with Mental Victory Vibes. In the same way, self-care currency should not become insufficient funds. Faith over fear!

Meanwhile, deciding to choose me. Subsequently, checking my posture, then giving myself permission to discover wholeness. Hence, purging what no longer served me, ultimately experiencing mental weight loss for the first time in a long time. I am filled with tenacity. Faith in the plan instead of a plan.

On the other hand, recalling the things my father taught me, beginning with acknowledging my why and considering me. My dad taught me to always show up as the best version of myself. Ultimately putting into practice, once again, that being enough is singular. I am ABLE. Faith that He got me!

Above all, I can write my story while owning my individuality. Even more when I accept my uniqueness. I am no longer running or nipping, tucking my originality to make others comfortable while my mental outfit is three sizes too small. Doubtlessly, chipping away the bricks laid for emotional protection-loving me in spite of. Reclaiming my passion to:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE my originality every day.
  • BELIEVE that a voice lost is regained.
  • LOVE me because it’s not selfish- it’s kind.
  • Be ENCOURAGE and cultivate joy, sadness, and forgiveness. 

Accepting MORE as I determined what’s normal anyway in my new role as a parental consultant- an essential component to finding balance and setting boundaries. Establishing mutual respect and clarity about limitations, dealbreakers, or co-parenting with my daughter. Faith bigger than my fear of change!

My lawd! Then, I walked into VALUE season. Actually, realizing that I don’t have to show up like the eyewall of a hurricane, judging with destruction. I am okay with focusing on my eye by embracing days with milder wind gusts and days with thunderstorms and wind gusts greater than 90 mph. At last, I know I will be okay and not immobilized by the thunderstorms and high winds. Faith in the power of the all mighty!

I appreciate the person I am becoming. I have the strength, hope, and guidance of my ancestors. Abundance is my generational wealth. I strut in:

  • Vulnerability
  • Authenticity
  • Leading with Love
  • Uniqueness
  • Energy

Oh, but wait…I am in Receive It season. Redirection is God’s protection.

I intend to embrace the blessings on the way. Inventing in Me Time.

So, I can “Keep elevating, sis!”

By Renii Modisette December 27, 2024
We begin to say goodbye to 2024 with cooler temperatures and yuletide attitudes as December ends. One thing is sure: self-regulation starts with the Self despite all else. In the last blog for 2024, I explore the sixth and final virtue, Courage, as well as three character strengths: Honesty, Bravery, and Perseverance, with the pendulum swinging both ways as a reminder we can make it through the first starting with Self. A great conclusion to the MTO Lean-in Series, which focuses on character strengths and virtues from the VIA Institute. I had initially planned to finish this series in October, but I found myself overwhelmed with school and work. I had convinced myself that I could push through despite feeling fatigued. However, I realized that the virtue of Courage also encompasses the character strength of Honesty. It was time for me to be honest with myself, which meant reevaluating the narrative I had created in my head. So, I took a break and reframed my internal dialogue to accept my revised story to remind myself that the pendulum swings both ways, so I must put myself first and focus on myself to overcome a self-imposed narrative that pushing through is the best way. I challenge you, amidst this season of giving and gratitude, to be honest with yourSELF—it's a personal journey. Is being honest with yourself a sign of bravery? Depending on who you ask, you might get different answers. In my opinion, yes, we are often harder on ourSELVES than anyone else is. Bravery is usually defined as resilience, facing fears, and not shrinking in the face of a threat or challenge. So, why can't SELF be a challenge? To help you navigate this solitary journey of self-awareness, consider the following statement:  "I AM in charge of how I react to others. I choose to respond in a positive way."
By Renii Modisette October 13, 2024
Hello October! Q4 is in full swing, with MTO KPIs still at the forefront. It feels like I was saying "Happy New Year" just yesterday. Towards the end of June, I began the MTO Lean-in Series, which focuses on character strengths and virtues from the VIA Institute. I learned about the character strengths and virtues while completing my Positive Psychology Practitioner studies and found them intriguing, especially in relation to enhancing my mindfulness practice. So far, I've covered Temperance, Transcendence, Humanity, and Justice. This month, I'll be discussing the fifth virtue, Wisdom, as well as three character strengths: Judgment, Curiosity, and Perspective. I'll then conclude the series with the sixth virtue in the November blog post. For more information on VIA's character strengths, please visit the VIA Institute website at WISDOM Let’s begin with I've coined the Wisdom Tightrope when discussing the virtue of Wisdom because it involves a balancing act depending on the situation. The first character strength, Judgment, is rooted in critical thinking to counteract faulty thinking and biased opinions. When overused, Judgment can lead to narrow-mindedness, and when underused, one isn't reflective enough. Ironically, it is often frowned upon to judge ourselves and others, yet our analytical mind somehow gets in the way, which allows us to debate whether something that is frowned upon should be up for discussion.
By Renii Modisette September 2, 2024
This month's blog post features Part III of the MTO Lean in Series. In this edition, we discuss the virtue of Justice and two-character strengths. To learn more about VIA character strengths, please visit the VIA Institute.
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